Manimal Friends, 2015
Manimal Friends is an illustrative book that teaches children the proper grouping names of animals through whimsical illustrations. Exhibition and Book Launch in 2015 at The Cotton Candy Machine Gallery in Brooklyn.
8.25x6 inches - Soft Cover- Glossy - 42 Pages

Bros and Foes, 2016
Bros and Foes is a collaboration between Ramiro Davaro-Comas (illustration) and Nicole Shea (words).
An amazing conglomeration of wild characters with even wilder one liners!!!
​Exhibition and Book Launch in 2016 at Grumpy Bert Gallery in Brooklyn - 8.5x8.5" - Soft Cover- Glossy - 42 Pages

Imaginationland, 2013
Imaginationland is a book published by IDRAWALOT Gallery in Berlin, Germany, for Ramiro's solo exhibition in 2013. The book contains images of paintings and illustrations from Ramiro's 2012/2013 residency tour around Europe and the U.S.
​Exhibition and Book Launch in 2013 at IDRAWALOT Gallery in Berlin, DE - 8.5x8.5" - Soft Cover- Glossy - 40 Pages

Hell In A Bucket, 2017
Hell in Bucket is an explosive illustrative book about the 2016 Presidential Election that includes all the crazies in this race like Trump, Clinton, Rubio, Carson, Kasick, Sanders, Carson, Bush and Christie. Violent, loud and Epic.
Exhibition and Book Launch in 2017 at Lucas Lucas Gallery in Brooklyn - 6x9" - Soft Cover- Glossy - 45 Pages

Hamsterdam, 2012
Hamsterdam was a zine created during Davaro-Comas' residency in Amsterdam in October of 2012. Full of illiustrations of characters and lurkers from Amsterdam. Hand Embellished Cover. Black and White.
​Exhibition and Book Launch in 2013 at FOE Gallery in Northampton, MA. 6x9" - Soft Cover - 30 Pages.

Pushing Wood, 2016
A Full color 40 page book of illustrations about the skateboarders that lurk around the world.
From The "Gonz Circle Board" to "Skateboarding is not a Crime" all your skatepark friends are here!
Exhibition and Book Launch in 2016 at The Cotton Candy Machine Gallery in Brooklyn- 8.5x8.5" - Soft Cover, Glossy - 40 Pages.